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How does a department engage different groups or reach new people in their community using social me


Social media is meant to be social, and to reach new groups or different types of people your organization may need to team up with other local organizations. Some of these efforts could include doing in person meetings. For instance, with Loudoun County Fire and Rescue one of the groups we are building relationships with is our Turkic community members. This initiative has involved in person meetings and events with a local organization called the American Turkish Friendship Association. We take pictures at these events and post them on social media and tag the association. They then share our posts out to their members. This draws their members attention to us and brings us new followers. When we do big social media posts, we rely on the connections we have made throughout our entire community and will do a direct outreach by email or phone and ask them to share a specific post to their membership. This also helps us reach new people that we would have not reached without their help.

While building connections and interacting with them via social media is the best way to reach new people and groups. Another way you can reach other people is by posting content that connects better with the groups or people that you are trying to connect with. For instance, if you are trying to reach a group where English is their second language, create content in their native language. Depending on your community and your target audience this will not always be Spanish, and you may have to ask them what the correct language is to translate your content into. Also, you may need to create content that is more relatable to the group. This could include using different colors, people, or even different images to better connect with that group. While the content may be in a different language and may have some changes from your typical content, it should still be in line with your brand and voice.

Combining working with other organizations and creating content that connects with that group will yield the best results, and help you gain new followers. It is important to continue to nurture these relationships and continue these efforts even after you achieve your goal, or you risk losing the followers you gained and the relationships you built.

In the comments share ways, you reach new audiences in your community.

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